Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Fed: Ajax customers sign rescue deal

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: Ajax customers sign rescue deal

MELBOURNE, Aug 22 AAP - Ford Australia and brake components manufacturer PBR have signed
a deal to keep key parts supplier Ajax Engineered Fasteners open, possibly averting a
dispute that threatened to cripple Australia's car industry.

Negotiations over a multimillion-dollar rescue package for the troubled Victorian nuts
and bolt maker resumed at 9pm (AEST) yesterday and continued well into the night.

Ford Australia spokeswoman Sinead McAlary confirmed Ford and PBR signed the agreement
about 2.30am (AEST) today.

"A number of other (Ajax) customers have not signed but they will sign in the morning,"

Ms McAlary told AAP.

"Now we have to work through the logistics and take it back to the Ajax employees but
it's a very positive development."

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