Wednesday, February 29, 2012

VIC: Main stories in today's Melbourne newspapers = 2

AAP General News (Australia)
VIC: Main stories in today's Melbourne newspapers = 2


Page 1: Opposition Leader Kevin Rudd has pre-empted next week's federal budget by announcing
a $300-million scheme for people to make their homes greener by improving energy efficiency
and water conservation; Australia's record-breaking cricketers enhanced their claim to
being the greatest one-day team in history by winning their third consecutive World Cup.

Page 2: One in four doctors has admitted to doing paid work for a drug company, throwing
the spotlight again on the pharmaceutical industry's influence on prescribing habits.

Page 3: Melbourne's impoverished water catchments have missed out again despite weekend
rain drenching some parts of Victoria.

World: A fierce political battle over a Democratic Party plan to pull US troops from
Iraq is moving towards a critical stage as President George W Bush prepares to veto the
bill, but talks on a new bill have quietly begun.

Finance: Poverty in the Asia-Pacific region is both a threat and an opportunity for
Australian businesses, according to a report being released today commissioned by some
of the nation's biggest companies.

Sport: AFL footballer Geoff Farmer's turbulent football career may be over after Fremantle
yesterday hit its volatile star with a lengthy suspension over a weekend nightclub incident
that has led police to charge him with assault.

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