Wednesday, February 29, 2012

NSW: The Australian's editor-in-chief defends story timing

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: The Australian's editor-in-chief defends story timing

SYDNEY, Aug 4 AAP - The Australian newspaper's editor-in-chief Chris Mitchell has defended
the timeframe used for publishing details of an alleged terrorist attack on Australian

The Australian newspaper learnt of the terror investigation last week and agreed to
hold off on publishing the story until Tuesday.

Victoria Police claim details of the operation hit the streets in the early hours of
Tuesday morning, potentially jeopardising a series of early morning raids.

But the newspaper has rejected the claim, saying early editions were held back while
the raids took place.

In a seven-month joint investigation, police uncovered an alleged plot by men of Somalian
and Lebanese descent to storm the Holsworthy Army Barracks in Sydney, home to several
thousand troops, and launch a suicide shoot-out.

Victoria's police chief Simon Overland said he was "extremely disappointed" details
of the operation were leaked.

"We will be vigorously pursuing the leak from my end and I expect that the federal
authorities will be doing the same," Mr Overland said.

He said he was disappointed the newspaper hit Melbourne streets at 1.30am (AEST) on
Tuesday - three hours before the raids began.

"This, in my view, represents an unacceptable risk to the operation, an unacceptable
risk to my staff," Mr Overland told reporters.

"It's a risk that I take extremely seriously and is cause for great concern."

But Mr Mitchell said copies of the paper carrying the story were not available at that time.

"We held the story out of all early editions," Mr Mitchell told the Australian website.

"No newspaper that was sold before the raids had any mention of them - they had Godwin
Grech on the front page.

"Only papers that were sold at newsagents after the raid, and those destined for home
delivery, had the raid story on page one."

The newspaper said it took part in a "complex logistical exercise" to hold back its
coverage of the raids until later editions and altered its online publishing schedule
to ensure the reports did not appear on the newspaper's website.

"Simon Overland is wrong," Mr Mitchell said.

"This is his sour grapes about not getting enough credit for Victorian police and him
protecting himself against complaints from Victorian editors."

Journalist Cameron Stewart, who was a spy with the Defence Signals Directorate before
joining The Australian in 1987, said the AFP nominated the publication date for the article
after he sought comment from them.

"They said please don't publish because you might comprise the investigation," he told Sky News.

"I listened to their arguments and we did not publish.

"We said that's fine, please nominate to us the date that we can publish.

"They nominated today and we did publish that."

He said the paper went to "extraordinary lengths" to ensure no editions of the newspaper
that contained the story hit the streets "until late in the piece".

The newspaper did not run the story in the first three editions, he said.

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