Monday, February 27, 2012

Vic: Corby trial witness in protective custody

AAP General News (Australia)
Vic: Corby trial witness in protective custody

A court's heard that a Victorian prisoner who appeared in an Indonesian court in support
of accused drug trafficker SCHAPELLE CORBY is now being held in protective custody.

The County Court has heard that JOHN PATRICK FORD is now locked inside his cell for
23 hours for his own safety because of evidence he gave to police over the CORBY case
and other matters.

FORD told the Denpasar District Court last month that CORBY was an unknowing pawn caught
up in a drug smuggling operation at Australian airports.

The 45-year-old has applied to be released on bail ahead of a trial where he's to face
several charges, including rape, in five weeks time.

County Court judge ROY PUNSHON says he'll hand down his decision on FORD'S bail application
tomorrow morning.

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