Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Butternut Lake yields plenty of walleye

EAGLE RIVER, Wis. George Langley and I have been phone friendsfor a number of years. I depend on Langley for fishing reports fromthe Eagle River area of Wisconsin, where he operates Eagle RiverSports and guide service.

Last weekend, I drove the 325 miles, met Langley at the AmericanBudget Inn and planned a walleye trip for the following day withguide Lamont Roth. Roth teaches math at the local high school andguides during summer vacation. He has a sense of humor that puts youat ease and is one hell of a fisherman.

We headed for Butternut Lake in search of walleye. The wellequipped Lund boat was launched and we headed for the west shore infront of an island. …

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