Thursday, March 1, 2012

NSW: Women factory workers on strike return to work

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: Women factory workers on strike return to work

SYDNEY, Dec 18 AAP - Women factory workers striking and picketing the factories of HPM
Industries had returned to work this afternoon, the company said.

The strike flared this morning as negotiations for an enterprise bargaining agreement broke
down, with the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union (AMWU), backed up by the ACTU, claiming
HPM's offer discriminated against women.

Up to 400 workers were on strike and the electrical component manufacturing company's four
factories in suburban Sydney went on strike this morning.

An HPM spokeswoman said the strikers had a vote this afternoon.

"I think the prospect of getting their annual leave and Christmas pay was the reason they
went back," she said.

The strike and picketing caused only minor disruption.

"There was reduced capacity and there was difficulty getting orders out for a while."

The spokeswoman said one factory had continued working despite intermittent stoppages and
at least some staff had continued working in other factories.

The matter was before the Australian Industrial Relations Commission this afternoon, she

An AMWU spokesman was not immediately available for comment.

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