Friday, March 2, 2012

Fed: Shier says he would be doing better

Fed: Shier says he would be doing better

Former ABC managing director JONATHAN SHIER says the organisation wouldn't be in sucha mess if he was still in charge.

Mr SHIER -- who was sacked from the ABC's top job nearly two years ago -- says he'dhave won arguments for ensuring the ABC gained or maintained its funding.

The ABC yesterday blamed a lack of government funds for its decision to dump programsand cut up to 100 jobs in a bid to slash $26 million from its annual budget.

Asked on ABC radio if it was a mistake to pursue ventures such as digital broadcasting,Mr SHIER said that if he was still managing director he would have won the necessary support.

He says the current ABC board has failed to win extra funding from the government --even for things the government openly supports like digital television.

AAP RTV mb/jmt


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